On Thursday, October 20 we covered the drill for after lesson 21 and lesson 22. We are almost through the first binder of lessons, and I only have 11 classes with my students due to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bums me out, these students have really touched my heart, and they all hold a place near and dear to me.
Thursday was a gloomy, nasty, rainy day, and only three students ended up making it to class. A lot of the students have troubles with transportation when the weather is bad due to public transit and lack of transportation/vehicles.
We began our day with blending sounds. We read together and then each student had to read an entire section individually.
id rid grid
ip lip flip
isk risk frisk
in int rint print
an and band
en end bend
ip rip trip
ot pot spot
in int mint
un unt runt
af aft raft
ef eft left
We then practiced final blends by utilizing the same method.
bast best bist bust
dast dest dist dust
rast rest rist rust
tast test tist tust
bant bent bint bunt
mant ment mint munt
hant hent hint hunt
sant sent sint sunt
bask besk bisk busk
nask nest nisk nusk
pask pesk pisk pusk
vask vesk visk vusk
land lend lind lund
hand hend hind hund
sand send sind sund
mand mend mind mund
After working on blending a dictated words. My students had to echo the words and tell me the vowel sound in each.
pent spent trump blend rust mint crust flip task blunt
We then practiced full sentences. I had each student come up the board and write out a sentence for me.
1) Rex went and fed his pet pig.
2) Greg sent help to mend the tent.
3) The tan box will rust in the damp desk.
In lesson 22 we covered new concepts.
We started with the alphabet and sound system We worked on alphabetizing by the third letter, and worked out of our student worksheet. We then worked with alliteration.
In new learning, we learned long vowel a, e, and i and practiced our coding - "A vowel in an open syllable is long, code it with a macrion."
We learned that long vowels say their name.
Key words - long vowel a = apex, long vowel e = equal, long vowel i = iris
We then worked on spelling by orally listening and spelling. We then worked on writing and the plural rule of adding suffix s to a base word.
drum -- drums
tab -- tabs
The procedure for spelling derivatives is:
1) listen and echo the whole word
2) say the base word
3) spell the base word aloud
4) name and write the base word
5) add the suffix and verbalize the rule
6) code and read
I had a student who is from Africa and is going back to visit his family for three months. His last day in my class was Thursday. It was so touching to talk to him. He gave me a big hug and told me to keep in touch and that I was a great teacher. It is moments like this when students tell you they really appreciate what you do that makes it all worth it. I know when I have a career, I need to be doing something that impacts people in a positive manner. Pay it forward everyone - Happy Sunday :)
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